Digital Media Design

Digital Media Design, Computer graphics and Animation Certificate program for kids and teens in Saint John, New Brunswick

What is Digital Media Design?

Digital design refers to what is created and produced for viewing on a screen.
Digital Media Design is a general term that is more relevant now than ever before. Put simply, any kind of design that appears in a digital format (on an app or website), rather than in print (on a physical page), is considered a Digital Media Design.

In an increasingly digitized world, it’s likely that as a designer, you will be working quite a bit with digital design. Whether you’re a Web designer, Video designer, animator, or graphic artist, understanding the specifics of designing for digital platforms will help you to take the first step towards such an exciting career in a Digital Design World.

Our DIGITAL MEDIA DESIGN program at teens Computer School offers a flexible and practical path to a creative career. The program links design to the broader visual arts. There is no other program for High School students quite like it. A broad-based liberal arts program engages art and design as concurrent creative practices. Students are engaged in the creative re-imagining of our shared future. The program encourages students to develop a broad spectrum of analog and digital skills required by today’s creative economy.

Why Digital Media Design?

This is a place to bring your passion. To gain knowledge about how to turn your ideas into significant works of art and/or design. To expand your range of technical abilities. To discover the expressive power of different media. This is a place to find your own voice, to learn how to share your vision and how to work with the visions of others. To become a professional in your chosen area(s) of interest. Most of all, this is a place where students have the opportunity to be creative wherever their excitement takes them.

“Digital Media Design” In-Class course for kids and teens  in Saint John, New Brunswick

Teens Computer School (Saint John New Brunswick) trains the students for work in this fascinating and thriving industry. Students will start out learning the fundamentals of graphic design, using the Adobe Creative Suite and project-based learning. They will learn the design process, color theory, typography, and how to recreate professional media and advertisements.

Potential career path

he typical career path of a Digital Media designer is very different now. For example, Art directors in Digital Media design earn a median salary of $94,220.  There are currently 99,100 art director positions in the U.S.

Other career paths may include:

  • Commercial Photography
  • History of Art and Technology
  • Motion Graphics Design
  • Type and Layout
  • Composition and Communication
  • Graphics in Video and Film
  • Documentary Videography
  • Film Production
  • Programming for Artists and Designers
  • Graphic Design
  • Digital Imaging
  • Digital Illustration
  • Web Design and Development
  • Printmaking
  • Animation
  • Digital Fabrication
  • Product Design
What will students learn
Developed by the Digital Design professionals  intensive curriculum make it possible for the student within a short period of time explore areas of interest, including:

  • graphic design (print design, web design, typography, publication, packaging, experimental practices, interactivity/designed experiences)
  • digital drawing and illustration (analog/digital approaches, vector, tablet drawing, mixed media, observation, editorial, comic, character design)
  • coding and programming for the web and Internet Of Things (client-side and server-side programming, including HTML, CSS and other.
  • game creation using Game Making Software and coding
  • photography (digital, lighting, large-format printing, post-production, 35mm and 4×5 film camera use, 19th century digital/analog hybrid processes)
  • video (storyboarding, short film creation, color grading, editing)
  • animation (storyboarding, digital drawing, motion graphics, stop-motion, compositing, sfx, audio, editing, post-production)
  • digital design and fabrication (3D-printing, CNC Routing, 3D modeling, and laser-cutting)
  • programming for the web and Internet Of Things (client-side and server-side programming, connecting to sensors in the physical world)
  • print media (zine design, Risograph printing, screen printing, photolithography, laser-cut woodblock printing, letterpress, photogravure)

Our program for kids and teens is designed to give students the interdisciplinary thinking and making skills they need to become successful creative professionals in the future. Our hands-on classes are led by professional designers with University degrees and many years of industry experience.

To become familiarized with the history of design advertisements, their different types, and major functions

To acquire professional skills in the field of graphic design and its mediums

To learn the theory of colors, harmonized color combinations, to get a sense of different color models and to learn their proper application

To learn the history and theory of fonts, as well as the ways of fonts application in printed in advertisements

To learn how to create professional advertisement, formatting and prepress process for newspapers and magazines

To learn and acquire professional skills in such special graphics programs as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Acrobat, Quark XPress, Corel Draw, and others.

How does it work:
Using professional software in a Digital Media Design and following step-by-step explanations from instructors, kids will get a real introduction in one of the most prestigious and well-paid careers.


For school students from 10 to 14 years old.

Students must have a laptop or desktop computer with Windows or Mac OS operation system and Internet connection.

Start time:

Fall In-Class course
October 7  – December 19, 2021.
One week tuition in a small class – $39.00

The number of students:

6 – 8 students per class. Two instructors per class.

1:5 ratio

1:5 ratio Teacher to Student ratio, or better. All instructors are police-checked, triple-reference checked, and highly trained.

 Certificate of Course Completion

We provide Certificates of completion for students that complete our 40 lessons courses. 

Upon completion of a Digital Media Design Course, a Certificate will be issued. A course completion certificate says you have attended all the classes required, pass all the tests required, and handed in all the work required. We provide Certificates of completion for students that complete our 40 lessons courses.

Students complete the program with a professional portfolio. Teens Computer School also provides the graduates with assistance on portfolio and resume preparation for future education in colleges or Universities.


Sign up now for this course

Digital Media Design course for teens in Saint John New Brunswick. Course Curriculum.

In this Digital Media Design Sertificate Program, students will get hands-on training in a variety of industry-standard software including Adobe Creative Cloud, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Adobe Premier, Adobe Dremweawerand many others.

With this Digital Media Design Diploma program, students will gain an in-depth understanding of a variety of popular software tools used in the Digita media Design industry. In addition, students will learn how to manipulate digital graphics using various design programs. The program includes the development of a portfolio of your work samples for college or University programs.

Module 1. Introduction to Windows.

During this module students will an introduced to the basic Windows functions. From connecting to a Wi-Fi network to locating and running applications, learn all about Windows 10. Bring your own, fully charged Windows 10 laptop.

Learn the basics of using a Windows-based computer: hardware, software, storage devices, and how to navigate. Students will develop skills that include learning how to customize Windows 10 operating systems. Students will also learn how to secure the Windows 10 OS and protect the data on the device. Finally, students will learn how to manage and troubleshoot Windows 10.

Module 2. Introduction to Graphic Design.

The Graphic Designer’s training program in Teens Computer School consists of two parts – theoretical and practical.

The theoretical part of the curriculum:

Provides the students with the concept of professional design and includes the following topics:
Principles of composition in design
Form as an element of composition
Statics and dynamics in composition
Balance in composition
Contrasts in composition and types of contrasts
Rhythm in composition
Color in composition
Font and font’s composition
Logotype and principles of the logotypes’ design
Banner and principles of banner’s design
Interface-design and design of website navigation
Major trends in contemporary web design

Practical part of the curriculum

Gives to the students working skills with bitmap and vector graphics editors as well as with special computer animation and web design tools:
Canva Graphic Software
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe InDesign

Module 3.

Introduction to Graphic Design with Canva 

Introduction to Canva. One of the best graphic design online software.  Canva is a tool loaded with enough easy-to-use features and functionality that anyone can create a variety of engaging content. By the end of this module, you will have created a full set of consistent visuals that will actually help you create a great graphic design project.  You will have mastered Canva and will be able to use it to produce any kind of visuals you need and take your design skills to the next level!

Module 4.
Introduction to Graphic Design with Adobe Photoshop

Get up and running with Photoshop, the industry-leading digital image editing tool. Learn the basics and find resources for taking your learning to the next level.

Adobe Photoshop Course curriculum. 

Photoshop will help students to:

Learn shortcuts and basic functions of Adobe Photoshop.
Understand how layers work and manipulate them.
Importing and exporting images in PS.
Learn about digital graphic types.
Learn about color modes and printing standards.

Imagery Editing

Learn to crop, color edit, sharpen and remove imperfections
Add type, selection technique and manipulate layer options. Basic digital Photoshop techniques.

By the end of this module, students will be able to:

understand image size and image resolution 
  correct image using photoshop tools; 
  understand graphics files format; 
  combing different images in one
cut part of the image and change for another image
export Photoshop images in right file format for print or for web
create advertising banners for Web Sites and export in right format

Module 5.
Introduction to Vector Graphic with Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator CC is an essential design tool for anyone who needs to express ideas visually in print, on the web, and in any other medium. You will also learn, step-by-step, the key techniques, as well as tips and tricks, for working in Illustrator CC.

In this Illustrator course, you will learn the basics of working with Illustrator CC through a combination of instructor-led demonstration and hands-on practice led by professionals designers so that you can incorporate visual effects into your workflow.
In this course, you also will get a thorough overview of the interface, tools, and features of Illustrator CC Adobe Illustrator CC, a design tool that is used to visually express ideas in print, on the web, and in any other medium.

Module 6.
Introduction to Layout Software with Adobe InDesign

In this InDesign training course, you will learn to use the tools in Adobe InDesign to create professional page layouts including both single-page and multi-page documents. This course introduces you to the newest techniques and tools used in Adobe InDesign CC for both print and digital publishing. You will learn to use the most current version of InDesign to design and publish a broad range of content in print, online, and for tablet and mobile applications.

You will also learn type controls, graphics file management, layers, style sheets, proper document setup, productivity shortcuts, and best practices. The real-world tasks in this course are presented in an easy-to-follow, step-by-step format using Adobe authorized hands-on exercises.

Module 6.
Build Your Digital Design Portfolio

Developing your own portfolio of digital art is at the heart of this course where students learn the ins and outs of graphic design using the industry’s leading software Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.

Students will start out learning the fundamentals of graphic design, using the Adobe Creative Suite and project-based learning. They will learn the design process, color theory, typography, and how to recreate professional media and advertisements. At the end of this module, students will have a portfolio of designs and develop a final project piece that allows them to focus on their passion and emulates a real-world client

Other Modules in this program.

  • graphic design (print design, web design, typography, publication, packaging, experimental practices, interactivity/designed experiences)
  • digital drawing and illustration (analog/digital approaches, vector, tablet drawing, mixed media, comic, character design)
  • coding and programming for the web and Internet (client-side and server-side programming, including HTML, CSS, and others.
  • game creation using Game Making Software and coding
  • photography (digital, lighting, large-format printing, post-production, 35mm and 4×5 film camera use, 19th century digital/analog hybrid processes)
  • video (storyboarding, short film creation, color grading, editing)
  • animation (storyboarding, digital drawing, motion graphics, stop-motion, compositing, sfx, audio, editing, post-production)
  • print media

Schedule & Tuition

Fall Semester of 2021. October 7 – December 19

2 lessons per week every Thersday. 6:00 – 7:30. Each lesson  45 min. 5 min. break.
Tuition fee:
$49.00 +HST per one week (weekly payments)
 $39.00 +HST per one week. (If you pay for the entire semester in two equal installments).

Space is still available 6-7 spots left Registration

Classes are held once a week in Saint John Uptown. 2 lessons per week every Thursday. 6:30 – 8:00. Each lesson is 45 min. 5 min. break.


Saint John office.

Study materials

The school provides students with all textbooks, printed step-by-step instructions for lessons in the classroom, additional materials for study. Most of the textbooks are in a special online classroom and are available to students 24/7.

What time do I need to study at home?

Students have to do some home assessments for 1 – 1.5 hours once a week. As in any other class, students should take notes in their notebooks as they study the learning material.

Home assessments

Students should complete a home assessment at a convenient time before the next time and bring this assessment in class. Students will have to complete a certain number of tasks for each week of study. Most assessments are small projects on a basis of the previous lesson curriculum.  Larger long-term assessments (projects) to be completed at the end of each month of the study or semester.


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