coding for kids in toronto

Курс “Дизайн і розробка комп’ютерних ігор на Unity” для дітей 12-17 років

Ігровий движок Unity – одна з найбільш популярних у світі платформ для розробки ігор. На базі Unity створюються проекти, які отримують світове визнання і приносять своїм творцям мільйони доларів. Цілком природно, що багато батьків хочуть, щоб їхні діти навчилися працювати з цією програмою та зробили свої перші кроки у навчанні програмуванню.

Але де в Торонто можна навчитися дизайну і розробці ігор на Unity та ще на українській мові? Єдиний варіант – Teens Computer School.

UNITY VIDEO GAME PROGRAMMING IN-CLASS COURSE. 24 weeks online course for teens 12 -17 years old.

During this Unity course, we’ll discover how to use the core features of the software while creating our very first game. We’ll start out by learning how to properly create a new project and how to manage our game assets.

This is a 24 weeks hands-on course about designing, building, and publishing simple video games. No previous experience with coding for teens and computer programming or video game design is required; beginning students will be taught everything they need to know and advanced students will be challenged to learn new skills.
Participants will learn about video game creation using the Unity game engine,  3D digital object creation, video game design, and small team management.

By the end of this Unity training, you’ll not only have created a complete game that you can share with your friends, but you’ll have all of the knowledge you need to begin your grand adventure with Unity. Software required: Unity 5.0

What will they learn?

  • Game Mechanics & Assets
  • Programming
  • Storytelling
  • World Building
  • Character Design
  • 2D & 3D Design

This online course starts every two month. Course duration 24 weeks. Click below for registration

Four options for study How Internet Classes Work course registration

Do not live in GTA? Then read about our online option Here

 This 24 weeks course will start on SEPTEMBER 7, 2019. Click below for registration

 Duration and costs:

The course lasts for 24 weeks. Classes are held once a week. Duration of each session is 1.5 hour.





(Saturday sessions are available in such cities: Oakville, Burlington, Hamilton, St. Catherinas, Barrie ON, Oshawa ON, Kitchener ON, Guelph ON, Niagara Falls ON, Niagara Falls NY, Buffalo NY, Detroit , MI )

*3 Month Minimum payment to begin the Course. 10% Discount for 24 week course payment.


For teens from 13 to 16 years old. Students must have a laptop with Windows operation system and be connected to Internet

 Starting time:

Courses start December 1, 2018. New courses start every Month.

 The number of students: 

5 – 6  students per Online class.

 Who this course is for: 

This course is for children who love computers and are interested in modern technologies and modern electronic devices. This course does not require any level of computer knowledge and will be interesting to newcomers as to “experiences” kids.

 Schedule and place:

Registration open.  check our calendar for classes schedule

Online courses registration


If you don’t live in Toronto or GTA, then you can sign up for our online courses.

Sign up now for online course


In-class courses registration


If you live in Toronto or GTA, then you can sign up for our in-class courses.

Sign up now for in-class course


How our virtual class works

1. You choose the time and day convenient for you during the week.

2. You are registered in this class.

3. You get access to training course materials. Among them: presentations, videos, step-by-step instructions for each week.

  3. During a meeting with a teacher in a virtual classroom, you see on your screen how to carry out the next project.

4. You hear the teacher’s explanation and can ask questions.

5. You can communicate with the teacher using the messenger and quickly get an answer to any question.

 6. During the lesson you will be able to show your project to the teacher and other students and see the projects of your fellow students.

 7. You can take tests in our virtual classroom and see your grades.

 8. After completing the course, you can print the certificate of the Canadian college on the basis of which the computer school works.

9. Many study projects are real tasks from Canadian or American companies.
 10. The most successful projects will be placed in our school’s virtual gallery.


If you don’t live in Toronto or GTA, then you can sign up for our online courses.Sign up now for online course


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