The 10 Best Computer Jobs For The Future. Your kids can be there!

If you’re considering a future career for your kids  – let’s look in the information technology sector.  Of course, you want to make sure that the time and financial investment you make will pay off with a lucrative career.

Read on to learn more about the ten best computer jobs, evaluated by projected growth over the next decade as well as salary. The ranking methodology of the list first takes into account number of new jobs over the next ten years as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics; salary is a secondary factor, with a level of education needed as a tertiary consideration. By preparing for one of these careers, you ensure that your kids and all your family will enjoy job security that will persevere.

1. Software Developer

If you are creative and have computer savvy, consider becoming a software developer. These professionals design and program the computer applications we all use each day. This job typically requires a bachelor’s degree in computer science along with strong programming skills in a variety of computer languages. If you’re up to the challenge, you’ll make an average annual salary of $93,350. And according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, this field is expected to grow much faster than other occupations at 22 percent, which means about 222,600 new jobs by the year 2022.

2. Information Security Analysts

As we rely on information technology more and more, the security of this information becomes increasingly critical. These professionals, who typically have a bachelor’s degree, are responsible for making sure that data on company websites and servers is protected from theft and fraud. Security analysts make an average of $86,170 per year, and this career is expected to grow by a whopping 37 percent over the next decade, making it a great choice if you’re interested in a high salary and solid job security with room for growth.


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