The answer is “Yes !” and it simpler than you think: as long as there will be people, there will be opportunities and today most of them can be found on the Internet! Just like a newly discovered goldmine, fresh internet-based ideas are sold for millions and even billions of dollars, making the creators legendary people, known worldwide.

In computer slang, these leaders are known as ‘Startups’, who launch their ideas often on a very tight budget, if any, and hope for the best. A good example of one of those ‘Startups’ is a group of university students who playfully developed an interactive site, known as YouTube and eventually sold it for 1,65 billion dollars to Google. As a matter of fact, Google too was started in a very similar way by two Stanford University students, who thought that a global search engine would be of great help with their homework. Today, Google spreads like a gigantic empire across the world wide web and is used as one of the biggest search and marketing tools.

As you can see, giants are not born huge; they grow into emporiums and continue to expand by investing, yet again, into ‘Startups’ in order to endlessly flourish. The same success stories can be written about Apple, Pay Pal and Microsoft.

The question is who will be next? Who will be the next prodigy featured in Forbes magazine to be forever remembered as the youngest CEO or the richest under-thirty-year-old? Maybe it is your child! Have you ever thought that endless gaming and Internet searching may be a sign of genius? The trick is, to recognize this desire of playing on the computer as something special, maybe even a unique talent. Instead of worrying and trying to discourage your children from sitting in front of the PC, you, as apparent, should provide the right opportunity to develop this desire into something useful

This opportunity can be found here at the Teens Computer School – a place where video games are created, websites designed and cartoons animated. Give your child a chance of utilizing his/her interests to become great at something specific and make it into a brilliant career. Not only will your teenagers be ahead of their time with the skills that we will teach, but they will also have the opportunity to love their future job.

To get enrolled and start working on this fun and lucrative opportunity, contact us right now.

There, you will find a great selection of current and future offered courses for a variety of age groups. For example, Game Creation Course (age 12-17), Computer Animation Course (age 12-17), and finally, Web Design and Development Course (age 12-17).

Teens Computer School takes your child’s progress very seriously, and thus we monitor every student’s development. Our professional staff continuously updates the parents on the advancement of their children and advises on the further curriculum. For instance, we try to direct each student into a stream of courses that are best suited for him or her. In other words, if your child displays a natural ability in graphic design, we ultimately suggest this direction instead of gaming for instance.

Our courses are also set up in sequential order, so children can gradually build their knowledge and stack their skills. Last, though the courses are dense in information, the content is easily absorbed in our fun-loving environment. The only thing left to do is, give your child the chance to become part of this great journey of development and growth; get registered and get started – who knows, maybe your kid will be the next big Internet Superstar!

Check out our courses

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